Automate Your Admin and Manage Jobs Efficiently

With Okappy Job Management Software

  • Do you spend time chasing your staff for updates?
  • Are missing job sheets costing you money?
  • Are you manually writing out job sheets and copying data from one system to another?
  • Do you lose track of invoices and payments due?

Save time, money and reduce stress by using our simple web and phone-based job management software, Okappy.

Join the Okappy Network
Free trial – No credit card required

What does Okappy do?

Okappy gives you an instant overview of your business from your phone or computer screen. It automates some of your admin, helping you to manage jobs, communicate with staff and customers and handle invoices.

The system is used by over 18,000 businesses that have off-site workforces. Our clients include plumbers, electricians, builders, facilities managers, security companies, transport and logistics companies, and more.

Okappy allows you to:

  • Input your jobs directly into a central database
  • Allocate jobs and checklists to your workers via the mobile app
  • Get instant updates from workers via the mobile app
  • View every job’s current status onscreen
  • Generate useful reports
  • Send automated text alerts to your engineers and customers
  • Get instant notifications when there is a problem
  • See when jobs are complete, raise your invoices and get paid!

How does it work?

Okappy is an internet-based software programme that you access from your web browser. It communicates with your workers in the field via the Okappy mobile app.

No other hardware needed. Simply create an account and start adding jobs.

Is it expensive?

Okappy is affordable for businesses of all sizes. We typically charge a monthly subscription fee based on the number of employees using Okappy, or the number of jobs you raise. There are no hidden costs or lengthy contracts.

Get in touch now and we’ll work with you to find a pricing package that suits your needs.

I’m busy – will this take up my time?

Okappy saves you time. It is simple and easy to use, both for you and for your employees.

How does Okappy save you time?

  • See all job and invoicing info on one central database
  • Get updates from workers without calling them
  • Create simple, straightforward reports
  • Minimize paperwork
  • Let customers enter jobs for you
  • Keep track of invoices and payments due

Will Okappy work for my business?

If you’ve got a business that deals with a lot of customers daily, if you use lots of off-site workers or if you’re simply snowed under with paperwork, Okappy can help you to work smarter.

Okappy adapts to your business. You can use our ready-made job sheets or create your own, generate customised reports, and make your own checklists.

What if my staff don’t like change?

Okappy makes life easier for your staff too:

  • They don’t need to spend time filling in paperwork or searching for scraps of paper.
  • They don’t need to contact you for updates, as information is sent straight to their mobile.
  • And they don’t get irate calls from the boss trying to find out what is happening with a particular job.

What about security?

Okappy is designed with your security in mind. You decide what information is shared, and all information held within the software is secure and backed up often. You can also download the information and save it when you want.