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Okappy helps ABC Aircon to improve time keeping and environmental footprint

ABC Aircon is a leading provider of eco-friendly air conditioning solutions for commercial and domestic properties.

Founded in 2017, ABC Aircon are now a strong team of 10 with their biggest market being domestic customers.

ABC Aircon recently signed up to our field service management software to help them improve efficiency with work and staff. We spoke to Pauline, the Office Manager at ABC Aircon to find out more about their experience of using Okappy.

How did you hear about Okappy?

It came by chance really, but it has been a blessing.

We spoke to Joe from Okappy and he explained how the field service management software could enhance our business. We initially signed up on a trial basis, but we very quickly saw the benefits and how well it was working for us so it was a no-brainer to sign up fully!

What challenges were you facing prior to using Okappy?

Well…where do I start! Job sheets that were signed by customers to prove that work had been carried out were getting lost.

Journey time wasn’t efficient, the team were unsure of where they had to go next when they were on callout, timekeeping wasn’t the best, and it was hard to keep track of the location of the team.

With Okappy, the GPS function allows us to see where our team members are, and we can easily direct them to the next closest job. We have a clear picture of where our team are, what they are doing, and when they are doing it.

This means we can coordinate more efficiently and save everyone time.

What did Okappy propose?

Okappy recommended their Portal+ Connected Field Service Management platform. The fact that everything is done through the app was a big pull factor for us. It means there is less physical paperwork for us to print out, take with us, and fill out.

Our jobs are getting completed even quicker. The old method of filling in a job sheet was quite time consuming for the engineers. We used to have one engineer completing the work and another completing the job sheet. Just far too time consuming and not an efficient use of our time.

Now we don’t have physical job sheets we are saving so much time. The team take pictures instead of manually filling out forms, which saves us time writing down barcodes, unit details and serial numbers. We don’t have to manually write it all down anymore and it is all in one place on the app. We can go back into the details at any point if we need the information.

It also gives more clarity to the customers as they can easily see the progress of a job and any real-time updates.

Do you integrate any other platforms with Okappy?

Not at the moment, we just use Okappy. We are aware of the integration possibilities, but the platform does everything we need and more, so we don’t need any other software.

What is your favourite feature about Okappy?

Honestly, I can’t pick just one feature! Okappy hasn’t just helped our engineers, it has helped me massively as well, making my day-to-day a lot easier and smoother. I love that I now have more time to focus on other parts of the business.

The team’s favourite feature is the online job sheets, they just fill it in in one place and send it to me. I then send it to the customer and there isn’t any more backwards and forwards liaising with customers. This saves them a lot of time to start working on their next jobs.

Okappy also ensures accuracy and transparency of the job. When we invoice the customer, they can see exactly what we have done and what they are paying for. It cuts down everyone’s process time so much that it allows us time for other parts of the business. This also adds an extra layer of security for our business as customers can’t dispute payment when we finish the job.

What impact has Okappy had on time management?

To be honest Okappy has considerably cut down how long each job takes, it has made the whole process a lot quicker. We are actually seeing our team get more jobs done each day. Okappy is buying us heaps of time!

What would you say to someone who was considering using Okappy?

I would say do it! The fact that you can see where your team are all the time is brilliant, time keeping is now impeccable, and the fact that we cut down the paper trail is great for us, saves us time and helps the environment.

In the air conditioning industry, we do a lot of servicing and surveys. When our surveyors go out, they find it really easy to input measurements and other small details that are required on every job. In the past we have seen people miss out on the fine details which causes problems down the road, but with Okappy no one is forgetting any bit of detail, no matter how small it is. The fact that all the detail is there for all parties concerned is hugely beneficial.

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