Get effortless workforce management for
Your Whole Team

Connect with client, employees
& subcontractors

Our unique market networking technology enables you stay connected with all your stakeholders. Okappy is way more than a workforce management platform. Empower your whole team with fluid communication and streamlined processes. Eradicate duplication and errors and grow your relationships.

Customise your job sheets

You can tweak your job sheets exactly the way you like with user-friendly templates and custom branding. Okappy is a flexible platform – gain full control over your report formatting and strengthen your brand.

Get up and running in minutes

You can filter your searches in multiple ways – from list or calendar view, from employee to customer logs. Find the data you need in seconds, and save yourself the headache of cross-checking multiple apps.

Track your job history

You can locate past jobs on the platform in just a single click. Job status updates take seconds, rather than minutes – so you always have the most up-to-date information at your fingertips.

Get faster KPI reporting

You can generate instant reports and export them to Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel. Present your data at-a-glance in dashboards. No more painstaking data-gathering – have your KPI reports ready in a matter of seconds.

Integrate with your accounting software

You can create and send invoices to customers, and sync them to your
accounting software. Save yourself hours of admin time every month.

Add documents, images and
eSignatures to your jobs

Your engineers can view job attachments and add their own, too. Both of you get to see the full picture and resolve the job faster. No more bottlenecks due to lack of information.

Receive instant updates with GPS tracking

You can customise your tracking configurations and monitor your lone workers. Develop greater business visibility and increase your health & safety standards.

Add unlimited* subcontractors to
your network

You can manage your subcontractors’ employees’ activities via Okappy. Job assignment, GPS tracking and instant messaging keeps you well-informed at all times.

*Unlimited subcontractors available on Enterprise Plan.

Schedule a demo at your
convenience and we’ll show
you exactly how we can help.

Talk to our success team and tell us what’s holding you back with your workforce management.
Demos take 30 minutes or less.

Get effortless workforce management for
Your Whole Team

Connect with client, employees
& subcontractors

Our unique market networking technology enables you stay connected with all your stakeholders. Okappy is way more than a workforce management platform. Empower your whole team with fluid communication and streamlined processes. Eradicate duplication and errors and grow your relationships.

Customise your job sheets

You can tweak your job sheets exactly the way you like with user-friendly templates and custom branding. Okappy is a flexible platform – gain full control over your report formatting and strengthen your brand.

Filter your search

You can filter your searches in multiple ways – from list or calendar view, from employee to customer logs. Find the data you need in seconds, and save yourself the headache of cross-checking multiple apps.

Track your job history

You can locate past jobs on the platform in just a single click. Job status updates take seconds, rather than hours – so you always have the most up-to-date information at your fingertips.

Get faster KPI reporting

You can generate instant reports and export them to Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel. Present your data at-a-glance in dashboards. No more painstaking data-gathering – have your KPI reports ready in a matter of seconds.

Add documents, images and eSignatures to your jobs

Your engineers can view job attachments and add their own, too. Both of you get to see the full picture and resolve the job faster. No more bottlenecks due to lack of information.

Receive instant updates with GPS tracking

You can customise your tracking configurations and monitor your lone workers. Develop greater business visibility and increase your health & safety standards.

Add unlimited* subcontractors to your network

You can manage your subcontractors’ employees’ activities via Okappy. Job assignment, GPS tracking and instant messaging keeps you well-informed at all times.

*Unlimited subcontractors available on Enterprise Plan.

Schedule a demo at your
convenience and we’ll show
you exactly how we can help.

Talk to our success team and tell us what’s holding you back with your workforce management.
Demos take 30 minutes or less.