Are you involved in a business which is fast paced and always on the move?

Electrical contracting businesses, plumbing contractors and installers are often on the move. This can create issues when managing remote workers. So what is the best way to manage?
Often the best way to manage your work and your employees is to have a system that you can access at all times from any location. If you want a job management system for your phone then you should see our simple and effective mobile app Okappy Monitor.
As a business it is a necessity to ensure that you are up to date with the latest in technological standards. Some businesses may still feel that paper, pens and forms are the way forward for their company, but don’t dismiss technology just yet. Especially if you work within the trades.
Plumbers, Electricians and Builders are often out and about going to each different job. This often produces a large amount of paperwork which needs to be processed and filed. We’ve helped many companies get rid of paperwork by providing them with our simple job management solution – Okappy.
Using Okappy will mean that you no longer need to find a safe place to store your files, no more time spent duplicating paperwork and reports and no more chasing of staff. Lots of paperwork often leads to stress and frustration, it can lead to mistakes and often wastes a lot of everyone’s time.
With Okappy Job Management software, we can help to improve your business immediately. All your paper job sheets and files can be electronically and securely stored. Information such as work done on a job and invoices raised can be updated in real-time. You can keep track of everything in the palm of your hand. It can help reduce stress and frustration and ensures your business operates more smoothly and seamlessly.

Check out our job demo to see how Okappy job management can help your business.