Adding documents to your jobs

Lots of our customers add documents to their jobs, documents such as Risk assessments, method statements even schematics and product drawings.  This can be a requirement for doing the job or simply a way to make your engineers lives easier.  Putting key information at their fingertips.

Documents and attachments can be added to a job when logged in on the web or from one of our mobile apps.

Read on to find out how to add a document to your job when logged on the web.

Adding documents and attachments to a job

When logged in to Okappy on the web, select your jobs dashboard

  • Click the id next to the job that you want to add the document to
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the job details page
  • Click the upload button

Adding attachments to jobs

  • Drag your document or browse to your documents location
  • Click Done

Your document will be added to the job and can be viewed by clicking on the view attachments link.

View attachments from within a job

Your engineers can also view the job by click View signatures/attachments from within the job details on their app.

View attachments on your mobile

View attachments on your mobile