Raising a quote

There are two ways to raise quotes through Okappy. The first is by creating a custom job template in a quote format.  See Creating custom job templates for more information.

Alternatively, you can raise a quote from the Invoices screen. Read on for a step by step guide of how to raise a quote from the Invoices screen.

From the Invoices screen,

  • click the New Invoice button at the top of the screen,
  • choose Quote in the invoice type window, and
  • click the Select customer button.

web invoices raise quote

  • Select your customer, then
  • click Next

web invoices quote customer

  • Enter your quote details.

web invoices quote details

  • Select whether you want the quote to be draft (not visible to your connection) or not.
  • Click Raise quote.

Your quote will be raised and can be viewed and edited by clicking the three dots next to the quote number.

web invoices quote raised

Click Preview quote to view the quote as your connection will see it.

web invoices quote

Note: When exporting invoices, quotes are not included in the invoice export.

For further information

For further information search in our support pages or forum