Sending automated text message reminders

To reduce missed appointments and improve customer service, you can send automated text messages to your customers when you add a job for them, and on the day of the appointment.

Find out more about our messaging features.

Read on to find out how to set up and configure automated text messages for your jobs.

Sending automated text messages

You can send various automated messages when you add a job. You can send a text message to your customer notifying them that the job has been added. You can send a message to the engineer notifying them that the job has been assigned to then and you can send a text message on the morning of the job.

To send these messages

  • Click New job
  • Add your job details
  • Select the Text notifications tab at the bottom of the window
  • Choose which text messages you want to send.
  • Click Add job

Text message notifications


  • Each message will use one message credit. To add more credits, click the profile icon towards the top right of the screen and then click Message credits.
  • The system will learn which messages you want to send and send them again for each new job until changed.

Changing the text message content

You can change the default wording for the text messages for each job. To do that,

  • go to the Job template builder
  • click Options
  • Select Job options
  • Scroll to the bottom of the window and update the text.

The default wording for the initial text message is – Hello, You’ll be contacted shortly to arrange an appointment to carry out your work.  And for the reminder text message, it is – Hello, this is a reminder confirming your appointment for today.

For more information on using the Job template builder, see Creating custom job templates