How to use Okappy’s ChatGPT Plugin

Integrating ChatGPT with Okappy can significantly enhance your experience by allowing you to query your Okappy data directly through the chat interface. This article will guide you through the simple steps to install the ChatGPT plugin for Okappy.

Please note that ChatGPT plugins are still in Beta. They are currently only available to ChatGPT plus users.

Installation Steps

Step 1: Create a New Chat

Open your ChatGPT interface in your web browser and initiate a new chat session by clicking the “+ New Chat” button.

Step 2: Select GPT-4

Once the chat session is active, you’ll have the option to select the model you want to use. Choose “GPT-4” from the available options.

Step 3: Access the Plugin Store

ChatGPT Plugin Store

Click on the down arrow usually located at the top-right corner of the chat interface. Scroll down until you find the “Plugin Store” option and click on it.

Step 4: Search for Okappy

ChatGPT Search Okappy Plugin

In the Plugin Store, you’ll see a search field typically labelled as “Search Plugins.” Enter “Okappy” into this field.

Step 5: Install the Plugin

After searching, you’ll see the Okappy plugin listed. Click on the “Install” button to install the plugin.

Step 6: Authorise Okappy

ChatGPT Okappy Authorisation Page

You’ll be redirected to the Okappy authorisation screen. Here, you’ll need to enter your Okappy username and password to grant permissions for the plugin to access your Okappy data.

Step 7: Start Querying Your Okappy Data

Once the installation and authorisation are complete, you can start querying your Okappy data directly through the ChatGPT interface.

Simply type your queries into the chat, and the plugin will fetch the relevant data from your Okappy account.


Installing the ChatGPT plugin for Okappy is a straightforward process that takes only a few minutes.

Once installed, you’ll be able to leverage the powerful capabilities of GPT-4 to interact with your Okappy data more efficiently.

Happy chatting and querying!