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Marking a job as invoiced

How can I mark that a job has been invoiced without having to invoice through the app?

You can mark a job as invoiced without actually raising an invoice by adding an extra column to your dashboard. If you call it something like Invoiced and then update with Y every time a job has been invoiced. You can see which jobs have had an invoice raised against them without actually raising an invoice.  For more information, see Changing the layout of your job dashboard

However, we would suggest actually raising an invoice. This can be done with one click and it means the job gets updated automatically. You don't have to do anything with the invoice although it is very easy to export to your accounting package using one of our integrations which means that you don't have to create the invoice again. See How to raise an invoice from a job

You can also automatically archive your jobs once an invoice has been raised which also helps keep on top of your outstanding work.

See also